Sharp X68000

Features grid

Model (Product code/HD) CPU (Speed) Stock RAM in MB (Maximum) Form Factor Internal I/O Slots Internal floppy type Disk (size on HD model) RGB Out Port Power PSU Type Serial Port Expansion FDD Port Hard Disk Port Image In Port TV Control Port Stereoscopic Port Printer Port Remote Port IPL[a] Custom BIOS[b] Logo
Original (CZ-600C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 1[1] (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SASI (Ext. only) DA-15S Hard switch + Soft Power Original (but can fit Tetromino) DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL White (BK), Black (GY)
ACE (CZ-601C/CZ-611C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 1[1] (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SASI (20MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL White (BK), Black(GY)
EXPERT (CZ-602C/CZ-612C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 2 (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SASI (40MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL White (BK), Black (GY)
PRO (CZ-652C/CZ-662C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 1[1] (12) Desktop 4 5.25" x2 SASI (40MB) DA-15S Soft Power Pro DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Missing Present Present Original ExBIOS, XEiJ-IPL White (BK), Black (GY)
EXPERT II (CZ-603C/CZ-613C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 2 (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SASI (40MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL Gold
PRO II (CZ-653C/CZ-663C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 1[1] (12) Desktop 4 5.25" x2 SASI (40MB) DA-15S Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S CN50F DB-25P Present Missing Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL Gold
SUPER (CZ-604C/CZ-623C) Hitachi HD68HC000 (10 MHz) 2 (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SCSI (80MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S MC50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present Original XEiJ-IPL Gold
XVI (CZ-634C/CZ-644C) Motorola 68000 (16 MHz) 2 (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SCSI (80MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S MC50F DB-25P Present Present Present Present New XEiJ-IPL Gold
Compact (CZ-674C) Motorola 68000 (16 MHz) 2 (12) Single Tower 2 3.5" x2 SCSI (Ext. only)[2] DA-15S Soft Power ? DB-25S MDR-40F MC50F Mini Present Missing Missing Present Missing New XEiJ-IPL White
X68030 (CZ-500/CZ-510) Motorola MC68EC030 (25 MHz) 4 (12) Twin Towers 2 5.25" x2 SCSI (80MB) DA-15S Hard Switch + Soft Power Tetromino DB-25S DC-37S MC50F with ID Select Mini Present Present Missing Present Missing New XEiJ-IPL, 060turbo IPL Red
X68030 Compact (CZ-300/CZ-310) Motorola MC68EC030 (25 MHz) 4 (12) Single Tower 2 3.5" x2 SCSI (80MB) DA-15S Soft Power ? DB-25S MDR-40F MC50F Mini Present Missing Missing Present Missing New XEiJ-IPL Red
Power X IBM PowerPC 601 (66 MHz) 8 (?) Twin Towers ? ? SCSI (240MB) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
X68000Z ZUIKI Z7213 SoC (ARM Cortex A7) 512MB DDR3 (12 available on X68000?) Mini Twin Towers, Mini Desktop 4x USB (2 used for Mouse+KB) SD Card x2 512MB NAND HDMI "Soft" power USB UART 4-pin No No No No No No No No No Will likely depend on model

Drive indicator light

Sharp loves slightly deviating from standards. The disk use signal is sent over Pin 34, at least on the internal IDC drive connector (drive side).

On official ArdSCSIno boards you have two jumpers to select the mode of operation: JP1 and JP2.
JP1 controls whether or not the LED is to be operated on common anode or common cathode. 1-2 is common cathode, and is to be used on SASI machines. 2-3 is common anode, to be used on SCSI machines.
Do NOT short 1-2 on a SCSI machine. Keep this in mind if you use the internal connection. Using a SCSI add-on board counts as SCSI machine, while having SxSI installed or ExROM counts as SASI.
JP2 enables the LED. 1-2 On, 2-3 Off. Simple as that.

On BlueSCSI with the ArdSCSIno firmware, you only have the common cathode LED signal. On a SASI machine, that's all you need, manually connect it to Pin 34 with a wire, if you plan on storing it inside permanently.
SCSI machines, good luck, you will need a way to invert the signal. You can probably figure it out, or patch the software.
Pin 34 is normally floating, but beware of removing the patch when changing machine type.

SASI and SCSI pseudo-dualboot

I recently found a blog post detailing how to use ardsxsino in SCSI mode, but what immediately caught my eye was, instead, instructions for SASI!
Excited, i immediately created a 40MB blank image, plonked it onto the SD card as HD00_256.HDF and immediately whipped out my mas-

Wait a minute... Maybe i should NOT be using ExROM for this. I took the BIOS chips out and popped in a fresh(?) set of XeiJ-IPLs. Ome quick boot to confirm operation, and into Format.x i go.
Formatting the drive took me an embarrassing amount of time due to filename shenanigans, forgetting the terminators or forgetting to disable X1turbo mode in the configuration file, as it doesnt work otherwise.

After formatting, i am asked to reboot to use my fresh new disk. Who am i to refuse? With little hesitation i pushed the Y key, watched the MC68000 powerhouse restart and lo and behold, the barest human.x prompt blinking at me. Success!
Still, with this configuration i am essentially locked out of my SxSI disk images. I copied over the contents of the master disk, effectively making it obsolete, and proceeded to install SxSI.

As SxSI skips drive 0/0, this effectively makes it so with SxSI off i can use a more period accurate, and frankly stabler, drive image, while with SxSI on i can access the collection of the HDD Image V4 and Multimedia Image. In the latter mode, i found i can still access the drive, but one nust tread carefully, as i found myself stuck into address errors. Go figure.